The Return of the Tumor


Things are not looking very good at the moment. I had some rather irritating news: My Tumor, the “Soft Tissue Sarcoma”, is back! It’s been six months since the first one.


It was during a random check up that My Dr L felt a tiny lump on my leg, THE leg, (the multiple  surgery leg) just a tiny one.

Apparently the risk for a return is 35%. (That’s me). I will undergo surgery ASAP. Fourth intervention on that same leg in ten months.

I’m a medical hero!


Veronica was very upset, I think it came as quite a shock to her too.


The day of the surgery Dr L cuddles with me and reassures me that all will be ok, he’ll take the best care of me.

I trust him. By now I know all there is to know: the pain, the cone, the road to recovery.


He gives me a shot to help me relax, before the actual surgery. He asks Veronica to stay with me so I don’t stress. (Rather WE don’t stress)!

We’re both very grateful.

I’m feeling a little sleepy and really well. Boy, do I feel zen…


Much less zen a few hours later! During surgery there was a major surprise: a second, larger Tumor, hidden behind the small one.

Apparently the surgery took a long time and I have this mega scar.

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On the bright side I have a cool, pink cone! I love pink! I know, everything’s supposed to be “Gender neutral” these days.

I don’t care; I love girly stuff! I can be a princess and this is my pink crown. A strong, brave, wounded princess, fighting her medical ordeals with heroism.

“The Boxer Warrior Princess”!


Veronica used to be part of this extreme Feminist group, and shared ownership in an alternative left wing book store back in the 70s…

Now she loves  watching girly, romantic, chick flicks and lives in a big house…what happened? She’s still one stubborn, opinionated, independent women though!


I have to stay very calm. Dr L had to take out so much tissue in order to get the whole Tumor and the skin has been pulled very tight. There’s a risk it might burst.

I can’t, of course, see the scar, but apparently it’s impressive…or as Veronica bluntly put it “disgusting”.

Whatever, this is not my first rodeo.


Dr L wants me back at his rehab center for a check up two days later. I get an ice pack on the scar.

I look pathetic, embarrassing! Thank god no other dogs are in the waiting room! Small consolation, I have my cool Halloween bandana!


Fanny gives me a laser treatment. Apparently very good for the healing process. Look at my glasses! How cool are those! I wish I could keep them as a Halloween costume!


I could be like a secret Agent. “Felicia the Badass secret Agent”, I could be the James Bond of dogs! That’ll scare those Trick or Treaters away!

AND that “Full-of-himself Jack Russell” down the road!

Sadly the glasses are not for me to keep.


With Halloween comes the traditional “Holiday pic”. I love these photo sessions. I’m just perfect and I get plenty of candy.

I’m such a star! What do you think?


Before the festivities start I get to see Dr L for a special Halloween laser session. I just adore Dr L. He’s the best and makes me feel very special.

Incidentally, I AM very special. I’m Patient Zero in his new rehab program!


Decorations, candles, all is in place.


Veronica has prepared several big and small bowls of delicious candy. Everything is ready. The Trick or Treat fun can start:

Only, I’m not allowed to participate! The injustice of it!!


Apparently those children scare easily! Supposedly a barking Boxer is not very festive. Yes, so I might, have barked a tiny weeny bit the other time.

And yes, there was talk about frightened children. Totally exaggerated, but from there to ban me from the whole event!!

I wonder what our animal protection laws have to say about that!


Time to take the stitches out. I stand perfectly still,  the assistant only needs to hold my tail. So hard not to wag it when I’m with Dr L.

There’s a lot of talk about my Tumors.

I didn’t understand exactly everything, seems to be a problem if they come back. Something about not enough tissue, or skin. I have no idea what that’s all about.


The November sun is beautiful and we can start our walks again. But alas…


…my trouble never seem to end. The scar opened a bit, and Veronica has to rush back to Dr L.

He tells me I’m being a very brave patient, well of course, I’m “The Boxer Warrior Princess”!


I get special cream and have to wear the cone when alone. It’s ok, I’m a patient Princess.


They say my Tumor might come back, they say that’s going to be a problem… Yeah, well, I’ve got news for you, see, I won’t let that happen.

But that’s my little secret!


My thanks go to:

 Dr Gabor Luka for taking such a wonderful care of my Felicia, for making this complicated situation the easiest possible.

 Fanny for being the best fitness dog coach one can dream of, encouraging, rewarding, making the rehab sessions all about the fun.

The assistant team for their friendliness and affection for my Felicia