The Torn Ligament


I am feeling very depressed at the moment.

I just got back from the Veterinarian/Orthopaedic/Surgeon, Dr B: I have a partially torn ligament in my rear knee.

Next week I’m getting surgery…SURGERY!! I mean that’s cutting up my leg….and the convalescence is supposed to be very long.


I’ve not really understood exactly how things are going to be. I don’t care if you think I’m a wimp, but I’m really scared.

I don’t even know what happened? Yes, I’ve been limping off and on for some time. but honestly I thought it was nothing. Well, it just goes to show!


Why do all my problems occur when my favorite Dr L is abroad? I ask you! First the eye, now the knee. The unfairness of it. I’ll give him a piece of my mind as soon a he’s back.

I know, I know, Dr B is a top skilled surgeon, but still. Dr L should be here to comfort me.


Veronica is worried, to say the least. Freaking out is more like it. Apparently her first Boxer, Ficelle, went through the same ordeal. (In that case shouldn’t she be more zen?)

She’s very sad and keeps on texting all the details to her dog friends and of course, her sister, SPS. (The Veterinarian behaviourist) . “They’d want to be informed” so she says.

Too much information?


She even called YH, her Swedish Boxer friend, the one that has owned 11 Boxers. “Just brainstorming” She told Dennis. Yeah sure…more like “unload my stress” kind of thing.

Here YH is with Lux, her youngest Boxer.


Meanwhile I have to stay on the leash at all times. Only slow walks. I must not weaken my leg even more, so they say.


To keep me busy Veronica spreads out my food all over the house.


She hides goodies in boxes for me to search for.


But a big, active Boxer girl like me needs more, much more…and I distract myself best I can.

Incidentally I had no idea these were slippers, let alone Veronica’s. (FYI I did not even chew them.)

Veronica hardly reacted, that’s to say how upset she is by my current condition.


What made the time until the surgery easier were the Stockholm guests. This is Ulrika, she is Veronica’s super close friend and she loves me.

I can cuddle with her all the time, she never sends me away. Also, she’s feeling very sorry for me.


Hedda’s even more cuddly, if that’s even possible. She spent hours with me, talking to me.

“Don’t worry Felicia, all will be fine” I love Hedda she’s the best. This is my favourite thing: being the center of attention!

I only wish it was for something brave like rescuing a puppy or chasing away a burglar! “Felicia, the brave Boxer, saves the day”.

A Boxer girl is allowed to dream! Like there’s a rule?


The Stockholm friends are a dog family. They own an adorable (so Veronica thinks) Schapendoes girl.

Veronica tells me we’d be great friends. Not so sure about that. I will express an opinion when, and only when, we’ve been properly introduced.

I might, or might not like her.


Tomorrow is the big day.

Veronica tells me I couldn’t be in better hands then with Dr B. Easy for her to say, she’s not the one getting her knee cut up!

I’m very nervous and worried. Will I be able to run again? To play with Inook? To go on long walks in the woods?


Guys, has anyone of you ever had that procedure? The torn ligament? Did you survive? Did it hurt? Can you run again?

Please share your experience with me.

“Felicia, the brave Boxer girl, facing surgery”. (At least that sounds like I’m brave, which I’m not…at all…but shhh lets keep that that our little secret)




Dear Santa


It’s that time of the year, the pre-Christmas rush. I’m especially worried since I overheard Veronica saying: “This year we’re doing Secret Santa”.

Secret? I don’t like the sound of that…Probably something to do with Santa’s “Naughty or Nice” list.

Secret who’s Naughty or Nice. Secret there might be less gifts. Worse, secret, Santa is not coming…


What? There is no Santa? I beg to differ. Just look here, Trilby the Briard met him. See, REAL SANTA!

There’s only one solution, send a message to Santa. I, for one, deserve gifts, I’m definitely Nice!

Incidentally, if he needs help, I can come up with a few “Naughty Names”. Irrelevant? You know what, why don’t you take care of your own letter to Santa and let me handle mine.


Ok, down to business:

“Dear Santa,

I’m a sweet, gorgeous, gentle, generous”…(oh, let’s not overdo this), “nice Boxer girl. I want to show you just why I deserve gifts. I’ve been a good Boxer girl”.


“On numerous, not easy occasions I behaved in an exemplary way. Here are a few random examples:”

“The other day, coming home from the morning walk I HAD TO SIT IN THE FRONT of the car. Yes, in the front!! Just because of Baby L’s stroller takes up the back” (Her again!)

“Did I complain? No. Was I happy? No! See Santa, perfect behaviour”.

“FYI: I was not responsible for the mud on Dennis’s pants. Veronica forgot to bring the towel.”


“At the lake I did not chase the swans, I sat, just like Veronica asked me. Exemplary . . .” (hm, already used that word) “very good behaviour in a tempting situation.”

(No! Once and for all, I’m not scared of Swans and that’s not why I obeyed.)


“I played very gently with Little E.”  (That I got candy all the time is beside the point.)


“When Baby L insists on holding the leash, I walk very slowly not pulling. I know she’s only 18 months”  (Yes, Veronica held the leash too, no need to point it out.)


“Dear Santa, as I’m an honest Boxer girl, I will even admit the very few and unimportant blunders of this year.”


“The Paperwork. I just love it. See, I’m actually helping out here. This Opera program was destined for the Paper trash anyway”

(Santa doesn’t need to know Veronica was planning on keeping it).


“Veronica does not understand my immense interest in digging. I call this being focused.”

First of all let’s state the obvious:

She is incapable of doing just that, focus! She’s constantly all over the place, and during  conversations, she jumps from one topic to another so nobody understands what she’s talking about” 

(I suspect, she’s jealous of my capacity).


“Dear Santa, I’m not going to bore you with more stories.

Just take into consideration the fact that I actually confessed some of my less glorious moments of the year.

And please Santa, don’t put Veronica on the naughty side, she might be bossy and scattered, but she’s a good person and deserves a gift.”

Boxer Felicia von der Andreashöhe


Santa came at night, while we were all sleeping.

I am seriously worried though. there are very few gifts under the tree…I knew this “Secret Santa” business was bad news.

I take it upon myself to spend the days here, guarding the tree. I’ve heard of rogue elves, wild trolls, or even thieves stealing the whole lot, you never know.


This is my family on Christmas eve. Or rather part of it, well Veronica’s lot. And there was a Christmas miracle.

EC came in a suit!!! He’s a geek, he NEVER wears that kind of stuff. I was in shock! The whole family was in shock! Veronica even cried (Yes I know, pathetic. What’s with the crying all the time?)

Side note: have you seen NC’s cool sweater?


As expected, Baby L was the centre of attention! Guess that from now on it’s always all about her.


Never about us, we even had to stay in the hallway due to “Excessive Christmas enthusiasm”!!

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There was a big moment of ridicule when Veronica and ZC decided this year we have to do the dance. Dancing Boxers were not appreciated. (That’s when we got sent away)

Swedes love dancing and playing games, and don’t get me started on the Midsummer festivities….oh just a glimpse.


Look at this:  Fully grown adult Swedes! Just stick a pole in the ground and the trick is done. Very strange.

Apparently, last summer in Sweden, Veronica forced Dennis to participate in “The frog dance”. The top on the ridicule list. (Can’t believe he did it).

Veronica adores these traditions! She might be living abroad but boy is she Swedish at heart.

FYI just google Sweden, frog dance and you’ll get the gist of it.


Santa was generous this year, 5 gifts! (I must have been especially good.)


What’s more fun then opening gifts?


A new leash, a soft toy, a squeaky toy, treats and a bandana. I’m one lucky Boxer girl!


I love my gifts. And don’t touch them!


It’s been a wonderful holiday and a fun year. To all of my readers, thank you for following my stories.

Veronica and I wish you a very Happy New Year.