Little E and Sister


I’m thrilled! Little E, her Mom and the new sister, Baby F, have arrived. Yep, that’s right, another Baby!

Apparently one wasn’t enough!

I have a theory about that; It’s because of Baby L: Jealousy! Little E’s parents were jealous and wanted their own little Baby, to be cool, get presents and to be the centre of attention.

Not that I find Babies particularly cool, but I hear that’s the general opinion.

Whatever. Most importantly, Little E has arrived!


Here again we have the proof that Babies make people act crazy.

The best example is Veronica. She’s all “Ohhhh so cute” and “I want to hold her”. Talking to Baby F in a silly, high pitched, unnatural voice, accompanied by all sorts of weird squeaks.

P L E A S E, show some decency, and start acting your age! Gee, pathetic!

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Little E, on the other hand, is graceful and adorable with her sister. Making funny faces to entertain her, looking after her with love.

Me? ehh, hmm, another Baby? Not really my cup of tea. I mean, I don’t mind Babies per se, I’m used to them now, what with Baby L around all the time.


I just find them boring.

The whole family adores Baby F. They act nearly as silly as Veronica with all those weird, funny sqeaky noises.

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Even Baby L is fascinated. She wants to pat her, kiss her and look at her ALL the time. Actually that’s pretty adorable.


Little E makes a point of showing her who’s the Boss here, who’s in charge. With a determined “I’M THE BIG SISTER”, attitude.

A lot of children in the house…what is that they say? “Three is a crowd”….


Luckily most days it’s just Little E and I spending time together (yeah leave that Baby to the squeaking lot).

Our program: play fun games and share food with the Boxer BFF; Felicia!

Ah, you want to hear about the Baby? Oh well, I can do that, here it goes: Eat, sleep, laugh, sleep, eat, smile, eat…voila! Happy?

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Back to ME and Little E, the interesting stuff!

Every morning she keeps me company while waiting for my breakfast. She totally gets what it means to be a hungry Boxer girl.


Therefore she gives me treats to fill my empty stomach.


We team up in Veronica’s room expectantly, waiting for the fun to start. We both agree that it takes WAY TOO LONG for her to get dressed and ready.


I don’t understand why people, that is Veronica, needs so much time? I think it has to do with her wardrobe. You see she has this walk in closet and spends a LONG TIME  choosing what to wear.

(Incidentally her clothes all look alike, the same boring neutral colours.)

HELLOOOO; It’s just CLOTHES, not like a major life changing decision. What’s her problem? Honestly, she needs help!


Little E got this gorgeous Fairy outfit, wings and all. We played “The Little Fairy and her horse” (me being the horse) for long hours.

Personally, I did not understand much of that game, only the part that goes: “The Fairy gives her horse loads of treats”.


We had many “try to catch the Bubbles” games…


Until sadly the bottle was empty.


And we got really bored. Dennis came to the rescue. I’ve said this before, Dennis is a guarantee for fun, except when he’s working.

Then frankly he’s the boring one. Unlike Veronica, he can actually focus. And does not get distracted, EVER.

Veronica on the other hand…well let’s just say the I suspect a major ADD problem.


Dennis fetched us some balloons and we started the “Felicia football game”


I’m a champion!

I still don’t understand why a circus hasn’t hired me. Yes, I coud be a star what with the soap bubbles and the Balloons.

“Felicia, the amazing Boxer Juggler”, that sounds cool!


Let’s not forget our walks. See how behaved I am? Not pulling? To be truthful, Veronica is close by, in case we encounter an uneducated, provocative dog.

Me? You can’t expect a Boxer girl to ignore an enemy. I have to protect the little Fairy…


Then without any warning, the fun is over, Little E has to leave. Oh, oh, and Baby F and their Mom, LS.

I hate departures, they make me nervous. We both put up a brave face, Little E pretending to brush her teeth, me pretending to survey my neighbour Polka.

Both of us very sad.


Little E hugs and kisses me goodbye and suddenly she’s gone.


Back to the quiet house and our routine…so I thought…only a few short hours later more guests arrived, from Sweden.

What do I care, they’re probably boring, I’ll just pout here in my chair and dream about Little E.