Summer Dreaming



The holiday is over as is the fun. One word says it all: JANUARY! The most boring month of the year.


After the “Decoration madness” it’s time for the “Cleaning obsession” consisting of not only cleaning but decluttering. Every year the same story.

Veronica loves it. (I think she has some serious neurotic issues here)


Corinne is on vacation, so no Agility! Veronica puts up this joke of a parkour in the garden. Seriously? What’s she thinking?

No solace at all.


Then there was the matter of the shower! YES a shower!! I sometimes scratch myself a little so Veronica decided an anti-allergen shampoo would be in order.

Did she even consult with Dr L? Not that I mind the water per se, but just like that . . .  on a Sunday afternoon? Without fair warning? Not cool!


And don’t get me started on the rain!!! EVERY DAY! Incidentally, making her little Parkour unusable due to excessive mud.


As if all these depressing events weren’t enough, Dennis left for California. My Dennis! I kept on waiting by the door, just in case he changed his mind.

So this is what’s been going on on my end. But enough with the gloom! No  January Blues this year.


Instead I will spread some warmth on this “Post holiday depression” with a summer memory. (I’m sure you could do with a little pick me up.)

More precisely Little E and her second summer visit (the first one was too short). I suspect the reason for this second one was that her Mother, LS, wanted to chill by the pool.

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I love Little E’s Mom, mostly because she’s under the impression that dogs are always hungry. (She’s quite right there)

I could even consider living with the S family. I know for a fact that they’re very generous on the food front. Lego told me. (She met the whole bunch of them and loved them).

You see, long before I was born, LS lived with Veronica for over a year. She’s part of the family now.

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I’ve noticed that following Little E around is to my advantage. There’s bound to be some games to be played.


Or some food to be eaten, it’s just a question of patience..


…and stubbornness.


We did play…

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…and play.


Until Little E discovered my old broken slalom (It was actually Lego‘s). Only she decided it was for her to run through.

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I tried to sneak in and show her how it’s done…without success…I know when I’m fighting a losing battle.

Little E can be somewhat bossy at times, to say the least. This is a young lady who doesn’t like to be contradicted when on a mission.


She spent hours in the pool. Never once did she ask me to jump in, she gets me! I know a family member or two that could take a leaf out of her book.


We took summer evening walks through the fresh woods.


The sad day came for Little E to travel home, the vacation was over. As is this sunny memory. Feeling better?


I don’t need Sunny Memories any more, Dennis is back!





Holiday Frenzy


It’s that time of the year. We all know by now that our house is a “Xmas crazy zone.” We should even have a sign “Beware of excessive decoration.”

There is only one person responsible: Veronica (aka Crazy Christmas Lady, CCL in short).

She not only decorates, but spends hours indulging in the Christmas atmosphere,  which consists of watching cheesy romantic Holiday movies with tearful eyes.

What’s with the crying? All the time, even with Disney movies! ZC is just the same, must be a family gene or something.


You take one look at the tree and you get the whole picture: C’mon, nobody in their right mind buys such a huge tree!!!

They even had to cut off a large chunk (incidentally making ZC happy, a tree for free).

Now listen to this most astonishing fact: Dennis chose this tree!! Poor guy, did Veronica (aka CCL) put a special Holiday spell on him?


December started with a wonderful surprise: I got my own personal Christmas calendar. It’s a gift from VT, Gilda and Klooney. My very first Calendar!


Every day I open a door containing a cookie. You’d think I got to eat it straight away…

No, no, no… Veronica told me I should “deserve” them. Only completing a chore allows me to eat MY cookie. Twirl, crawl, jump… etc.


I’m a little worried about Santa, will he remember me? I’ve been a very good girl. Much better then last year… well ok, good enough.

There were a few embarrassing incidents. You already know about the Simba affair“. As a matter of fact anything questionable happening at Corinne’s shouldn’t count.

Does Santa even know about those? Bet you he can’t even spot the “Culprit” among all the dogs, not that I have anything to hide…or not much.


I did empty the paper waistbasket once or twice or perhaps a little more


Recently there was Baby L’s new harness matter (I had NO idea it was hers). It was just lying around on the table begging: “Play with me”. Anyway, it’s only partially damaged.

Why on earth does she need a harness in the first place? Can’t she sit still like any other sensible person??


The D day’s finally here. Christmas! They take me for an early walk, so I can “run off all excessive energy”.


I decide to guard the gifts. One never knows if a rogue Elf comes along to steal a present or two.


Yeah, this is “Santa’s special Boxer Unit”, SSBU. (Sounds so cool). Hear that Guys, anybody in need of a holiday guard? Felicia, Special Agent of “SSBU” at your service.

I can totally be a Special Badass Agent!


The family finally arrives and here’s a surprise, ZC puts on the Santa hat. The one that authorises the person wearing it to distribute the gifts. Does she have a contract with Santa?

It’s usually NC’s job, has he resigned? What’s his problem? Thank god we’re a large family, imagine this, nobody to wear the hat!! What a catastrophe!


On second thought, this is not a bad idea, NC’s free to cuddle with me. Both Indya and I are in a happy festive mood.

We vividly express our joy.


Said joy is clearly not appreciated by some annoying family members (The CCL for one) and we’re sent out in the hall to get our act together.

(Mojo, Havannah and Lux, see what I have to indure)


I can still see and hear what’s going on and guess who get’s all the gifts?? Baby L!! Can you believe that! She’s the tiniest and gets SO many gifts.

Why does everything have to be so special about her? Special harness, special gifts, special stroller…I know she’s cute and all but enough already. (FYI Indya is with me on this one)


Gifts are unwrapped, everyone’s happy and smiling, it’s time to go home. Baby L needs to sleep. (Yes, her again)


Veronica decided it’s better for me to open my gifts the next day. “Then you can enjoy them calmly”. Yeah, yeah, let the Boxer girl wait another day!


I got four gifts! Special delicious treats and a mysterious parcel


that I attack without further ado.


Ha, a squeaky toy! Can’t believe Santa took such a risky initiative, Veronica hates those squeaks. Oh I can’t wait to squeak my way through the house.

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We have a small New Years Eve, just the three of us. But rest assured, we party! Trust the CCL not to let any holiday event go by quietly.

Magic sparklers (I love those), special treats, music and fun. Until wee hours.


Partying comes with a price, a rather annoying hang over. Oh not for Veronica, (what’s wrong with her). She’s up at cockcrow, by the tree, candles lit, watching those ridiculous  holiday movies.

The normal part of the family, that is Dennis and I, enjoy a well deserved rest sleeping late, very late.

Happy New Year to all of you!


Stockholm Stories


Every year, just before Christmas, Veronica travels to Stockholm. To enjoy “the Swedish Christmas spirit” so she says…as if the one we have here is not enough.

The whole house is a frigging Christmas zoo. Huge tree, decorations, candles and the endless music!


I usually don’t mind, as I’m at Uncle Bradley’s having fun.

This year, however I did mind. You see it was a Christmas/Dog week in Stockholm. Emphasis on DOG. Veronica visited her friend Yvonne (owner of three Boxers), a huge dog show, and met Eva! MY Eva. The unfairness of it!

Once back home she was full of Stockholm stories, and couldn’t stop talking.

“Yvonne’s amazing Boxers”, “Best dog show ever”,  “Eva this, Eva that.:” etc etc To anyone interested…or not!


Yvonne and her husband live in a house outside the city, just by a forest. (Lucky dogs) They have owned 11 Boxers! (Yes 11!!)

She was greeted by the 12 year old, the very happy Mojo.


Engelaiz Testarossa or “Havannah”, Introduce De Luxe or “Lux” (their daughter) and Engelaiz Mastercard or “Mojo”. Veronica was in awe, “They’re beautiful”, “So well behaved”, “I Can’t believe Mojo is 12”.

I’m NOT jealous, I just don’t see what the fuss is all about, they’re just Boxers…Well..hmm… perhaps just a little jealous, like 10% jealous or maybe 30%…or…ok, ok, I’m very jealous! There you go!


Veronica even took a video of their “quick down”. (Pfff show off. Easy, I can do that too!)

Folks, I need to stop putting my head in the sand and face the truth: these Boxers are beautiful. Reminding me of my Lego. (It’s still ok to be a little, little jealous)


Havannah had to wear a special collar since her eye was a little sick. She’s very brave.

Yvonne has rules too, no dogs in the kitchen when there’s a visitor. Supposedly Boxers can get somewhat wild. Always the same story. Guys, I feel for you.

“Felicia stay on your mat and don’t annoy the guests”

Rules, that’s probably why Veronica and Yvonne get along so well.


Havannah loves to cuddle on the chair. Interesting, a new perspective, I need to try that.

They’re friendly with all dogs.Well Havannah can be a little opinionated at times, she’s got Spanish blood.

I get that. I have Italian blood, and sometimes it’s VERY hard to stay zen. Especially with all those provoking rascals out there. BTW Havannah, that trick with the chair, cool!


The huge dog show, took place over two days. Loads of dogs, all sorts of breeds. And many activities. Like “Weight Pulling”.


Heelwork with music


Rally Obedience


Agility and many more.

See, that could be me running through the slalom. I could so be part of that dog show!


Eva had her own corner where she was signing her new Book, about Will-Ja. (She must be a super interesting dog having her own book and all)

I do hope Veronica bragged about what a good girl I’ve been. Yes Eva, I’m pretty laid back now during dog encounters (well most of the time).

All thanks to your wise words and showing Veronica how it’s done!!


Will-Ja surveyed the situation from higher grounds, making sure all visitors bought her book.

She’s a very sweet, energetic and fun Labrador. “They’re a perfect match” says Veronica.

Eva, please come back here. Veronica is in need of some serious guidance, and don’t get me started on little Leon.


The next day was the Boxer day. Veronica spent it with Yvonne by the Boxer ring, getting all the inside stories. Here were all the beautiful Nordic Boxers.


Nothing escaped the vigilant eyes of the Judge.


Look at her, that could be me, yeah!


Best of Breed. The winner is: Engelaiz Xpectation or “Sally”. She’s Havannah’s sister.


Exhibitions are overrated and no fun. I know all about them. Andy showed me: “Felicia von der Andreashöhe, Zwischenklasse, Vorzüglich 1”

And what’s with the whole “run around the ring for no reason” part? Stupid! I refused, (Seriously, what’s the point?) so the Judge didn’t award me with a CAC…silly!

Tell you, no fun!

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Now this surprise made up for all my gloom: I got a gift! Yes, Yvonne, Mojo, Havannah and Lux gave me a gift!


Let’s open this bad boy




a Swedish kong, and treats!! These guys sure know how to cheer up a troubled Boxer girl.


Perfect for our Tug of war games with Dennis. I always win!


So what do I care about, exhibitions and famous Boxers, I have a Swedish toy.

YH, just to be clear, you’re welcome here any time! With your three Boxers, yes I promise to make a huge effort so they feel welcome. (Or welcome enough, it’s my home after all)


Thank you Yvonne for many useful Boxer tips, for being my guide in the Swedish Boxer world and spoiling my Felicia